Snapchat for Business – A Great Fit for Restaurant & Retail Owners

Snapchat has previously teased business owners about implementing new features they could use to better interact with and reach out to their audience. Well, they kept true to their word – Snapchat for business is now a thing, and you can now take advantage of various ad capabilities to grow your brand and client base. […]

Gamification for Restaurant & Retail – 5 Benefits to Consider

Restaurant and retail gamification has been making progress over the last years. More and more brands have started recognizing how beneficial a strategy like this can be for their sales and marketing efforts. “But isn’t gamification only reserved for employee engagement?” It’s true that it’s mostly known as being used for employee engagement. However, it […]

Top 10 Successful Loyalty Rewards Programs

Whether you plan on implementing a loyalty program or still think your current rewards program could use some improvement, it never hurts to see what you stand to learn from popular programs that have been met with plenty of success. So, let’s take a look at the 10 most successful retail and restaurant loyalty programs, […]

How to Use WhatsApp for Business & 4 Ideas to Get Started

WhatsApp has grown immensely popular over the last years, and it’s even gotten to the point where any type of business (especially restaurants and retail stores) can take advantage of it to increase customer engagement. Still, we know it’s completely possible that not every one of you is familiar with what WhatsApp is and how […]

WhatsApp for Business – What You Need to Know

WhatsApp has started piloting a program for businesses. And we will be offering you all the info you need to know about the current WhatsApp pilot business program right now. We will also be updating this article in the future once new information is released to the public. WhatsApp’s Business Pilot Program At the moment, […]

How to Structure a Customer Loyalty Program for Bubble Tea Shops

Bubble tea is certainly starting to become more and more popular with modern consumers. It is a trend that is spreading rapidly as the wildly popular drink from Asia grows in global popularity. Despite that, if you run a bubble tea shop, you still have to deal with competition, which is why you’re probably thinking […]

What Is a Loyalty Rewards Program?

A loyalty rewards program is provided by your business to customers who make multiple purchases from you, visit your place of business quite often, and even recommend your products/services to others. The rewards can range from free products, discounts, coupons, and even exclusive access to one of your newer products/services. Of course, deciding what rewards […]

7 Social Media Campaigns That Can Enhance Brand Advocacy

Improving the image of your brand on websites like Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram is quite paramount nowadays. After all, 71% of people who had a positive social media experience with a brand are very likely to recommend it to others. So, trying to improve brand advocacy on social media platforms is definitely worth it since […]

10 Ways Franchisees Can Market Locally

When it comes to local marketing, franchisees usually have to put in a lot of effort. Head office will often provide you with supporting tools and campaigns, at the end of the day, this is your business and your local market. You know the market best and to help you put together winning strategy we’ve […]

Mobile Apps for Your Restaurant: the Ultimate Guide to Set It Up

The world is going mobile. That became clear back in November 2016, when the number of mobile users officially exceeded the number of desktop users. Thus, you picked the right time to look into how to set up a mobile app for your restaurant – or restaurants, if you own a large corporate chain. In […]